
In 2016 I undertook a year-long interview series that I filmed, edited and produced into 52 weeks of Youtube videos. My subjects were people from across the United States, each one of whom possessed a most unique life wisdom.

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The very first of these interviews featured a young lady by the name of Stella Usiak. At the time we met, Stella told me that she was 12 1/2 years old. I was intigued by the fact that she found it important to note that extra half year of her age.

As I was about to learn, Stella had been bravely battle the ravages of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for 5 of her 12 1/2 years and she clearly understood that every minute of everyday mattered.

From that first day we met, Stella and her mom, Jen, and I stayed in touch as this amazing girl continued to fight the endless cancerous challenges that invaded her body.

No matter the pain and discomfort, Stella pushed herself to have a "normal" teenage life, continuing to attend school when her health allowed, making the honor roll, getting dressed up for date dances and proms and even falling in "like" with a young man also dealing with cancer.

Everytime the ravaging disease claimed another part of Stella's body and she was forced to return to the hospital, Jen would document the experiences on social media. Those forthright and often unimaginable posts gave all of us who loved and admired Stella the chance to send her our prayers and good wishes. Each time she responded by rebounding and returning home to her parents, her brother and her favored pet dog and cat.

Last week however, Jen posted something different. It was a letter to Stella in which wrote the following: "My beautiful and sweet Stella. I pray for Comfort and Peace as you decide if you still have things left on this Earth to accomplish and do. If you are done here then I know you've been stronger than anyone could possibly be and have gone through more than any adult would have tolerated.

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You march past your pain and suffering summoning tremendous strength to accomplish the things in life important to you such as always achieving High Honor Roll in Middle as well as High School. You've had a goal of making sure by your Junior Year to not only meet but with amazing grades and work ethic the requirements for the New York State High Regents Diploma.

Even just a few days ago you finished an original artwork that took hours; a painting that was requested of you to make on behalf of the Oishei Foundation in their efforts to use patient artwork to thank Donors who have donated to the John R Oishei Children's Hospital of Buffalo in Honor of Patricia Allen, Josh Allen and the Bills Mafia's drive to do good in the world with what you're given.

You are an amazing human. I'm only here as a witness to you and the amazing things you do. It is a blessing to be chosen as your mother. You make me a better person each and every day with your selfless kindness despite all you endure. I love you."

Clearly Stella listened to her mother's wisdom as on Saturday, January 9th, Stella made her decision and she passed---at the age of 17 years, 7 months and four days.

This video is a compilation of Stella's 64 and More Interviews. It is my honor to share her stalwart soul, open heart and honest words and to make sure that, in her memory, all of us understand the value of each and every day.